Robotics researchers at the Department of Computer Science are envisioning interactive robotics systems of the future.
We develop cutting-edge robotics methodology and systems with a broad set of ideas in the following areas: mechanical design, continuum & soft robots, computer vision & 3D perception, robot learning, reasoning & planning, optimal control & reinforcement learning, and state estimation. Our research has applications in mobile manipulation, field & service robotics, medical & surgical robotics, legged locomotion, and human-robot interaction.
We are with the Department of Computer Science and the Department of Mathematical and Computational Sciences at the University of Toronto.
We are also affiliated with the Robotics Institute and the Vector Institute.
Jessica Burgner-Kahrs
Associate Professor
Continuum Robotics Lab -
Florian Shkurti
Assistant Professor
Robot Vision and Learning Lab -
Igor Gilitschenski
Assistant Professor
Intelligent Systems Lab -
Lueder Kahrs
Assistant Professor
Medical Computer Vision + Robotics Lab
Animesh Garg
Assistant Professor (now at Georgia Tech)
People, AI, and Robots Lab
Ruthrash Hari
Research Engineer
Graduate Students
Maria Attarian
Ph.D. Student
Yun-Chun Chen
Ph.D. Student
Lily Goli
Ph.D. Student
Radian Gondokaryono
Ph.D. Student
Reinhard M. Grassmann
Ph.D. Student
Qiao Gu
Ph.D. Student
Mustafa Haiderbhai
Ph.D. Student
Skylar Hao
M.Sc. Student
Salar Hosseini
M.Sc. Student
Philip Huang
M.Sc. Student
Yash Kant
Ph.D. Student
Mohamed Khodeir
M.Sc. Student
Spencer Teetart
M.A.Sc. Student
Ashkan Mirzaei
Ph.D. Student
Chloe Pogue
Ph.D. Student
Priyanka Rao
Ph.D. Student
Jimmy Shentu
Ph.D. Student
Dylan Turpin
Ph.D. Student
Claas Voelcker
Ph.D. Student
Ziyi Wu
Ph.D. Student
Kevin Xie
Ph.D. Student
Wei Yu
Ph.D. Student
Zihan Zhou
Ph.D. Student
Zhiling (Zoe) Zou
Ph.D. Student
Our work is supported by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) of Canada, CIFAR, Vector Institute, Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI), Ontario Research Fund, and generous gifts from Amazon, LG, Samsung, Huawei, and others.